Saturday, April 08, 2006

Countdown 3. . .2. . .1. . .

Only two more assignments and this semester will be OVER! I can't believe I am that close to being done. I loved this class on the Old Testament and I learned a great deal more than I thought my head would hold, but boy am I glad to be done (or nearly so).

I am hoping to complete the last of my assignments this afternoon and turn them in via email to my professor. Then I can relax, at least where school is concerned, for two whole weeks!!!

My next class is in Early Church History, which means we will be reading a lot of the Early Church Fathers. I am actually looking forward to it, except for we have to read the Rule of St Benedict. Considering that my professor for this class is a Benedictine Monk, and when you talk about the early church you sort of have to at least bump into Benedict at some point it really is unavoidable I suppose. But I am just not much of a Benedictine in terms of spirituality, so I hope it is just a slight bump and not a full on collision.

I had better get back to work. It's just too bad that in my short two week break I have to deal with Easter at work, because being in Parish Ministry that happens to be our busy time, don't cha know.

No rest for the weary.


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